I have tried different ways to change the password, but I have not been successful.
welcome to the OpenEMR community
can you tell us a little more: are you able to log on to your system ? what ways have you tried to change the password?
I can’t log in to administrator, I have tried to change the password from mysql, but it didn’t work.
Pl add a recovery pwd feature via email or sms. A much needed feature.
I don’t have it activated, and I’m out of openemr and I need to log in again.
this is interesting - what did you try in order to do this? what version of OpenEMR are you using? - current release holds the passwords encrypted in the database, as far as i can see? but maybe there is another way?
I am using version 6.0.1 of OpenEMR, and I cannot access the administrator, the keys are encrypted in the mysql database, but I cannot make the change to the pass key, I don’t know if you can help me with this.
i can’t think of anything right now, but am playing around to see if i can see another way. maybe someone else can help?
one silly question though: did you change the administrator password from it’s original default setting? and it is this new password you can’t remember?
Check the log table in database and see what the error is.
Could be the password is expired.
I’m on my phone so I can’t provide any sample SQL.
Exactly, the password expired, and I can’t log in.
i wonder if this will help: the number days for the password to expire, and the number of grace days, are stored in the data base in the ‘globals’ table.
perhaps you could use mysql to increase these values, to bring your password back into use? - then once you’ve logged on as admin, reset the globals back to their desired values (admin/config/security), and obviously change the admin password ?
Thank you very much, the solution of changing the expiration days worked for me, I already regained access.
it’s a pleasure, i’m glad it worked.