Newbie here again. I went into admin>lists>fee sheet to update the fee sheet for my practice. Since the existing codes don’t fit my psychology practice, I deleted the fee sheet list, then recreated it as a new one, thinking that would be simpler than editing all the existing codes. In retrospect, it wasn’t such a good idea. The new fee sheet list I created seems to have different characteristics (eg, different column headings) than the old one. Can I replace the original fee sheet list? Do I need to? How do I do it? Where can I find the original listing? Which table must I repopulate in the database? Is there documentation covering this anywhere?
Having said all that, I did successfully print my first CMS-1500 and X.12 bills today, without the fee sheet list in place. Will its absence do any long term harm?
There are 2 ways to create the drop down for the fee sheet.
I believe the best way is the following.
1. Admin > Lists > Service Category
2. Create a category for the heading of your CPT and one for your ICD-9
3. Go to Admin > Services
4. Find the Code you need and group under the category that was created. This will create a drop down in the FEE SHEET with the grouped codes
The other method Admin > Lists > Fee Sheet, I believe it is better to be left blank. The only reason I would use this method is if you need to group procedures together. (ie. click on 1 item and get 10 procedures populated) Let me know if I explained it right.
That tells me what I needed to know. I was mostly concerned that having a blank list would cause some unanticipated problem downstream. Sounds like not.