Hylafax errors

lamspc wrote on Sunday, December 15, 2013:

I have hylafax enabled in openemr and incoming faxes are listed in the “Faxes In” box. However, when I click on the faxes, it does not open up and instead get this message:

Cannot find /var/spool/hylafax/recvq/fax000000374.tif

When I click on dispatch, it opens up a window titled “Dispatch Received Document” - but does not display any images and I cannot dispatch any because there are no pages visible to select.

Using 4-1-2 (4) on a debian 7 box.
Any suggestions welcome

jcahn2 wrote on Sunday, December 15, 2013:

Ahoy Lams,

Could be a permissions error. www-data may not have permission to read the recq files.

Try changing RecvFileMode from the 0600 default to something more liberal in the config file:

/etc/hylafax/config.ttyUSB0 (or whatever modem port)

CountryCode: 1
AreaCode: 336
FAXNumber: “1.336.nnn.nnnn”
LongDistancePrefix: 1
InternationalPrefix: 011
DialStringRules: etc/dialrules
ServerTracing: 1
SessionTracing: 1
RecvFileMode: 0nnn <----------
LogFileMode: 0600
DeviceMode: 0600
RingsBeforeAnswer: 0
SpeakerVolume: medium
GettyArgs: “”

Jack Cahn MD
OEMR Board