jwallace00 wrote on Tuesday, February 16, 2010:
I noticed that windows users are out of luck on out-going fax from openemr.
Has anybody looked into integrating an internet-based fax service as an alternative to hylafax?
jwallace00 wrote on Tuesday, February 16, 2010:
I noticed that windows users are out of luck on out-going fax from openemr.
Has anybody looked into integrating an internet-based fax service as an alternative to hylafax?
dlee5400 wrote on Tuesday, February 16, 2010:
I have looked into this and for Windows Server users the Hylafax isn’t a good solution. I’m in the process of creating a module that will send faxes to a webservice. This will allow windows server/ windows to send faxes via a online service. The only down side is the webservice charges a fee per fax. I intend on working with Brady on getting this as a addon or perminant feature in 3.2 patch one or 3.3 …
anonymous wrote on Tuesday, February 16, 2010:
For our clients we have setup Microsoft Fax Service along with an external analog modem on the Windows Server (must be a server edition and Microsoft Fax Service is a FREE add-on). Once created the Fax Service is more of less created like a virtual printer in which you can share and network users can “print” to.
So, on the client side, all they need to do is have the capability to print and whatever they can print can be sent out as a fax through the “shared network fax printer” located on the server. It works much like the Adobe Distiller Printer feature. This allows them to even do direct faxing of any item within OpenEMR because in a browser anything is printable.
jwallace00 wrote on Tuesday, February 16, 2010:
Which service are you using and do you need any assistance? We have an immediate need for this.
I’ve made contact with a company called Innoport which provides the same kind of service. Are you developing the module to handle different service providers easily?
dlee5400 wrote on Tuesday, February 16, 2010:
For clearity, clucena is correct but i was after a solution that would allow mulit-clinic state and intergrated in so the prescription wouldn’t need to be printed / opened in a PDF … I also added a feature were the pdf of the perscriptioin was placed in the “document” repository of the patient … but if you have a dedicated fax line to the PC/Server the above is a good solution.
jwallace00 wrote on Friday, March 05, 2010:
Hey dlee,
We’re looking at doing the exact same thing here. Is there any chance you would want to collaborate on developing some kind of generic e-fax solution for openemr?
anonymous wrote on Monday, March 08, 2010:
We are working on a hosted e-fax solution. We have taken Hylafax combined with IAXModem and have transmissions going over a SIP Trunk to a carrier. Then clients only can send faxes to us as an e-fax transmission. However, in order to comply with HIPAA, we have decided to make a requirement to create VPN connection to/from our network for transmitting the hylafax transmissions. This seemed to be the best solution since integration with Hylafax Server was already done. By using a hosted solution then the need for fax hardware is eliminated.
anonymous wrote on Saturday, October 02, 2010:
To follow-up on this post; we are now publicly releasing our eFaxing service which is compatible with OpenEMR. For $25.00 a month you can fax out up to 100 pages per month (then 10 cents per page) from OpenEMR (Linux Based). You can also use it for non-OpenEMR usage meaning you can install a fax client on your desktop (Linux and Windows supported) and send faxes out as well!
We are working on getting it to work with those who have OpenEMR installed on Windows, anybody interested to test please contact us. Also, we are working on getting the ability to receive via eFax and have it show in your OpenEMR queue and also in your desktop fax clients as well.
You will find that our pricing is very competitive compared to other eFax solution that are not compatible with OpenEMR. Please contact us for more information.
ramachandiran wrote on Tuesday, October 05, 2010:
Just curious to know, how the Miscellaneous->Fax/Scan will render the UI for Fax?
Assuming we have faxclient with us, is it possible to get my fax-In statistics alone? How does the dispatch functionality works?
nursejeff wrote on Wednesday, September 21, 2011:
Is Hylafax still the fax server of choice? It seems that all notes on Hylafax are 2010.
The last release was Sept 2010.
mike-h30 wrote on Wednesday, September 21, 2011:
Yes. Very robust and reliable. I recommend HylaFAX+ ( Last updated on Dec 2010). HylaFAX+ was recommended to me on this forum back in 2007. Could not be happier with its performance.