How to turn off remote access?

mazatlan22 wrote on Friday, June 29, 2012:

How to turn off “remote access”? Also , how prevent any access from internet? For the security issues, I am trying to run the program on a private network, consist of two computers.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, July 03, 2012:


Most secure way is to provide no internet connection at all. But if still need outbound internet (web browsing etc.), then look into setting up a router that does not allow any inbound traffic to your network. Suggest researching this topic via google.

Here’s a page on the wiki that may be helpful that discusses OpenEMR Security(for example, could harden security even more on your local network by using only https and using client side apache certificates):


rickstoc wrote on Saturday, March 16, 2013:

Apache itself can also be configured to allow only one IP address, and deny all others, starting right at the web root directory. Something like this, with http.conf:

<Directory /var/www/>
Order allow,deny
Allow from
Allow from 127

That would be very reiable. In my example, you set up your computer to use a fixed address for itself ( Set the Internet Gateway Router to be it’s DNS. the additional address “127” is for the OpenEMR to talk with itself (e.g., the database.)