How to Take Backup in Openemr

ahmed159 wrote on Sunday, February 15, 2015:

Hi Team,

Can you please tell me how to take backup, In-case of Hardware Crash How to upload the back.

Can you please explain step by Step.

Thanks you

fsgl wrote on Sunday, February 15, 2015:

Recovery is as important as backup.

See this.

visolveemr wrote on Monday, February 16, 2015:

Hello Ahmed

You can take backup of entire OpenEMR, by clicking the “Create Backup” button in the screen “Administration->Backup”. You will get a emr_backup.tar file, which will has both directory and database backups.

Or you can also get the database backup, by clicking the Export option in PHPMyAdmin (Administration->other->Database) screen.

Regarding more clear information on restoring from backup, look into Recovery section in this Backing Up Thread.

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