How to send/save FHIR structured data into openEMR?

Hello EveryOne,

I am sending a data to ‘http://domain/apis/fhir/Patient’ using post request,
I am sending FHIR object in JSON, and server responds with 200 OK, however the data is not saved into DB.

I tried http://domain/apis/api/patient and it works (in plain JSON) however I want to send only FHIR structured data.

Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong / or how to find a solution for my issue?

Thanks In Advance,
Kind Regards

Current Fhir api doesn’t allow create or updates(Post/Put). You’re more than welcome to add to the api services if you’re in a developers frame of mind. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your answer,
Actually I already looked at the code and find out that it’s not supported, however it can be implemented.
I’ll write a code to implement Fhir Observation POST/PUT method, which is the only thing we need for now.


Have you implement the code for put / post fhir data?

hi @Christoforos_Korifid, please see the fhir readme

I have read it but it does not have put routines for observations.
Is there a more recent documentation?
Is there some other way?
Do I have to implement it my self ?

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@Christoforos_Korifid What kind of data are you attempting to save? Observation is one of the most complicated FHIR resources because it maps onto many different underlying data models / constructs in the OpenEMR system. We currently support read only access to vitals observations, social history observations, and lab result observations.

If you want to create any of those underlying data elements you will need to implement that yourself. I’d be happy to review a pull request and incorporate it into the main OpenEMR codebase if you want to take on that task.

Thank you.

I was trying for example to send systolic pressure value.

I will try to implement it my self when there is time.
Mean while can I send this value through json api instead?

You can save vital records (which includes systolic pressure) using the standard API (Not FHIR).

Thanks for the answer.

I can not find the section for vitals in the documentation.

I need some more help here.

Thanks in advance .

Has Fhir api allow to create or updates(Post/Put).Is this feature is available in openemr rest api now?

Thank you,