How to restrict provider calendar view

ychanf3h wrote on Friday, July 01, 2011:

Hi, we wants to restrict the provider from seeing other’s appointment.  We tried to uncheck the “Providers See Entire Calendar” from the Admin->Globals setting, but still provider can still see other’s appointment.
Is there anyway to restrict the provider from seeing other provider’s appointment?

atocampo wrote on Friday, December 02, 2011:


Did you find a fix for this? Having the same issue.


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, December 03, 2011:


A coder could quickly add this feature in the codebase. If you’d like to try, I’d be glad to provide some guidance. The quick things that confuse me on this feature logic, though, would be:
Who will schedule these patients if only the provider can see their own schedule (ie. seems odd that a scheduler would have access to all the schedules, while a physician can only see their own). Would be helpful to know what you are exactly trying to accomplish in your workflow.


atocampo wrote on Sunday, December 04, 2011:

Hi Brady,

Sorry for the confusion. Basically what I am trying to accomplish is restrict a provider/clinician to viewing only his/her calendar and not be able to view or access other provider’s/clinician’s calendar.  Say, Doctor A can only access his/her calendar and not be able to see/access Doctor B’s.  Is there a way to do this and still have non clinical staff, such as front desk and admin personal to have access to each provider’s calendars? I’d appreciate any insight you might have.


freedev27 wrote on Friday, January 27, 2012:


Is this issue sorted? Please let me know.


bradymiller wrote on Friday, January 27, 2012:

This will require some coding.

anonymous wrote on Thursday, February 02, 2012:

I would like to just add my own experience to the above reported scenario.
We are trying to set up  OEMR for a Multi-Practitioner Practce run on a voluntary basis (ie. no fees involved) for disadvantaged people. So, in this scenarrio, there is one Secretary at the fronte desk at all times who is the main and the only person “orchestrating” ALL the appointments for ALL the doctors.
It has been seen and proven that if you give permission to each individual doctor to  “modify” an already prearranged schedule, she/he will take advantage by editing things to her/his own liking, WITHOUT letting anyone else know, so….you can see that the end result will be havoc….
So, there you go, we absolutely need to restrict every single Physician to being able to see just his own appointments and it would be even better if we could allow her/him to just *see* without conceding her/him the luxury of touching and editing.
Sorry for being lengthy, but I tried to describe a real situation and a true need. which INMHO is not infrequent at all.

Good day to all of you


bradymiller wrote on Thursday, February 02, 2012:

Hi Constantine,

Will require coding. My thoughts are that it may make sense to actually create another aco category Calendar(calendar) to hold some acos, like appt_edit_a(edit/add for all users), appt_edit(edit just the users), appt_view_a(view all users), appt_view(view just the users). And could then work these into the code at strategic spots to get the desired effect which is would then be fully configurable.

Options to get this done are:
1. Try to code it yourself (the community is always happy to provide guidance)
2. Convince a volunteer or vendor to do it at no cost. I’m a volunteer, but do not have the time.
3. hire a pro
