I have been trying to enter patient blood type in OpenEMR. I searched the User’s guide very thoroughly but still unable to find a direct way to do this. Can you please give me some guidance on how to enter blood type in OpenEMR?
Jing from TechSmith. Freeware. (In most programs you can vary the size thickness etc of lines, arrows, vary color and text, but need some digging into the stettings)
The only negative of Jing in free version: it saves in png format. Some websites don’t like png.
Are you speaking as “an official”, representing SCIENCE? Or are you guessing… and what blood type are you referring to. There are so many, but most different blood types are of no relevance, except for the transplant facilities.
Do we have Transplant Facilities using OpenEMR?
We are in urgent need of brain transplantations… not excluding myself ;-))