it this the right place to order a lab test? how do i send it to the lab?
do I just click on save here? or I have to select something else?
it this the right place to order a lab test? how do i send it to the lab?
do I just click on save here? or I have to select something else?
I am preparing a demo to show the power of openEMR.
Is this the correct flow? is there an easier more straight forward way to do this?
are there any other parts that the doctors might want to see that I am missing here?
1- Find the right patient
Patient menu → new/search → enter info → press search → click on the correct patient row
2- Enter patient self report
2-1- new Encounter → take notes
3- Read all the necessary data
all needed data is available in the dashboard tab
3-1- Vitals-> Click here to view and graph all vitals.
3-2- Labs → Click here to view and graph all lab data.
3-3- clinical reminder
3-4- Medical problems
3-5- Medications
3-6- Prescription
3-7- Encounters
3-8- Intake
4- Diagnosis
4-1- new Encounter → order → procedure order → Default procedure type
4-2- order → procedure order → primary diagnosis → type of service → codes
Hello @saeed
Labs are managed by the Procedures module which also handles ordering other procedures such as radiology or specialty consultations.
For handling labs, you can either have your own in-house lab do the work or configure your OpenEMR to order it from some 3d party outside lab such as Quest or LabCorp.
Have you seen the OpenEMR wiki articles on the subject?
Also search this forum for previous posts on the topic, refining the search term to fetch more suitable returns. This search returned > 50 results.
Feel free to come back here with specific questions to issues you encounter following these instructions.
Best- Harley