How to modify Add New Issue form

rdh61 wrote on Friday, August 19, 2011:


Where do I go to modify the “Add New Issue” form?


rdh61 wrote on Friday, August 19, 2011:

Forgot to say, I’m using version 3.2.0.

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, August 20, 2011:

Hi rdh61,

I am assuming you are talking about the form at Patient/Client->Medical Records->Issues->Add Issue and are wanting to modify the default values on that page (ie. selector list items for Problems, Allergies, etc.) for population of the Title field (let me know if my assumptions are incorrect).
To do this, modification of the openemr/custom/clickoptions.txt file should get the desired effect.

Let me know if this works (or doesn’t work)  for you.


sunsetsystems wrote on Saturday, August 20, 2011:

In addition it is possible to extend the issue form with your own fields.  You can do this by creating a “plug-in” module to support your custom type, and by making some small changes to interface/patient_file/summary/add_edit_issue.php to invoke it in the appropriate places.  This architecture needs a bit more work but is usable now.

For example I created for a client an issue type for football (as in soccer) injuries.  Look at add_edit_issue.php and search for occurrences of “football”, and all should be clear.


rdh61 wrote on Sunday, August 21, 2011:


@ Brady. Thanks for your answer, but I want to add another field with a simple text box.

@ Rod. Thanks for pointing me to the add_edit_issue.php file.

I’ll see what I can achieve and get back to the forum if I have trouble.

bradymiller wrote on Monday, August 22, 2011:


If simply adding one new text field, then could either go with Rod’s “plug-in” module or consider the following:
1)Add the new field to the form in add_edit_issue.php
2)Add a corresponding entry into the sql table ‘lists’
3)Add the code to the sql queries in add_edit_issue.php to place the data from your new element in the form into the ‘lists’ sql table (around line 96 and 122 in add_edit_issue.php).

Never even realized Rod’s module was there; pretty nice way to support very different issue screens.


rdh61 wrote on Monday, August 22, 2011:

Many thanks. I haven’t had time to address it yet, I’ll let you know the result when I do.

BTW, I have also received advice from the forum at
For future issues, should I post on this forum or that forum?

bradymiller wrote on Monday, August 22, 2011:


I don’t monitor that forum at present (sourceforge sends me along with another 150+ users/developers every post in this sourceforge forum), but there appears to be several active user supporters on that forum (ie. it’s up to you; if it were me trying to get support I’d probably do what you are doing and post to both). As an aside, (if you are curious) there is a ongoing discussion on strategies to upgrade our forums while also avoiding the creation of redundant forums here:


rdh61 wrote on Thursday, August 25, 2011:

@ Brady,


I did what you last suggested, namely:

1)Add the new field to the form in add_edit_issue.php
2)Add a corresponding entry into the sql table ‘lists’
3)Add the code to the sql queries in add_edit_issue.php to place the data from your new element in the form into the ‘lists’ sql table (around line 96 and 122 in add_edit_issue.php).

I have my working text field. Thank you.

lcharis wrote on Thursday, July 17, 2014:


I am using openemr 4.1.2 and would like to add a new medical issue (i.e. pregnancy) along with some custom fields.Since the answers above are a couple years old , I would appreciate some help on how this can be accomplished with the current stable version


fsgl wrote on Friday, July 18, 2014:

See this.

lcharis wrote on Sunday, July 20, 2014:

thanks a lot. So the old posts are still valid.
I would also like to add the a Pregnancies section as a separate section on the right part of the history patient, i.e. below Medical problems and Allergies.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

fsgl wrote on Sunday, July 20, 2014:

Make Order 25 for pregnancies.

lcharis wrote on Tuesday, July 22, 2014:

After checking out the related threads on how to add an issue and also the track anything form, I found out that none of the two help with tracking pregnancies.

A pregnancy has some attributes that are not related to an encounter e.g. expected date of birth and some attributes for which we need to accumulate measurements at each encounter.

If we take the approach of a new issue type (in the style of football injury) although we can associated encounters, there is not easy way to browser all the encounter data for such a type, compare previous measurements with new etc.

The track anything form on the other hand only has encounter-related data and no attributes related to the procedure itself.

So neither of the two is appropriate - at least to our understanding - for tracking pregnancies in an obgyn practise.

Since we are only newbies in openemr, is there another way to accomplish what we want i.e. combined issue with encounter data ?

thanks in advance

kodusote wrote on Tuesday, July 22, 2014:

Dear Charis,
If I understand your requirements well then you should be looking at modifying the Vital Form module or creating a module like it where you can record the “attributes” of the pregnancy and see the trend over time.

lcharis wrote on Tuesday, July 22, 2014:

Dear Kayode,

thank you for your suggestion. A pregnancy has - like an issue - a start and an end time and some fixed fields,
that the vitals form does not offer. Also we need to be able to review older pregnancies, so we need to be able to keep a history.
I am wondering whether such functionality can be supported by openemr.

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, July 22, 2014:

Track Anything form (with link to the video) is a good choice for recording pregnancy parameters. It is associated with an encounter but it also appears on the right in Patient Summary like an Issue.

Another nice feature (from reading the above link) is the fact that the form can be used independently of an encounter after it has been installed and initiated, showing up under Miscellaneous in the left navigational side bar, Menu.

blankev wrote on Tuesday, July 22, 2014:

Dear fsgl,

you mention “after it has been installed”.

Can you explain how to install parts of the Development OpenEMR that is not yet included in the Official OpenEMR version V 4.1.2?

I would like to include!!! Graph and Document Template but I am afraid to include parts that I don’t are not yet completely finished and might still contain some bugs.

(I also, as you stated alredy, would like to use CMS-patient portal, but that is another severe headache even worse than the onsite and offsite portal. But it works like Rod said. SAFE SECURE and it is a Brilliant GEM! I suppose that will be another tread and more WIKI pages than now are available)

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, July 22, 2014:

This is conjecture on my part. Never done anything in Github.

Suggest copying the script from here into a test copy.

One of the developers will have correct if my impression is inaccurate.

Is it installed in the 4.1.3 Demo’s? I did not look.

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, July 22, 2014:

A third method is to create a new Group in Demographics and use the Option, G, to graph fundal height, for example. Demographics is basically a LBV Form, which is very versatile.

This would unlink the body of data from an encounter if there is concern about messing MU calculations.