Could you please help me. when i create a procedure order for patient and after that i receipt procedure reuslt. but i can not see the fee charge for this procedure order in fee sheet.
if this is not automatic charge, so when doctor order a lab procedure and after that he forget put charge for this procedure in fee sheet. in this case the order is not charge, right?
one more thing. could you please help me how to import LOINC. i was download LOINC csv file but i couldn’t import it.
Ordering a lab will not create a charge for it, so the Fee Sheet must be used.
The LOINC .csv file can be imported via phpMyAdmin as explained here for HCPCS codes.
Be certain to look at the structure of the codes table for information as how to organize the data before import. If data are out of sequence in the .csv file, they will go into the wrong columns. See attachment.
It’s faster to enter the fees from phpMyAdmin in the fee column than via Adminstration/Codes.
Follow Visolve’s post about enabling LOINC in Lists/Code Types.
Good idea to backup before touching anything in phpMyAdmin. Small mistakes in the database can cause OpenEMR to be non-functional.
Charging for lab studies requires no configuration in the Procedures Module.
It is necessary to import the LOINC .csv file into phpMyAdmin. Have you done that?
You can also add the fees to the .csv file before import to save yourself the extra step of adding them to the codes table.
If you don’t know how to import a .csv file, see the link in the 2nd sentence of my prior post. If you need more help, let us know where you need clarification.
In 2.PNG, don’t forget to check Active, Claims & Procedure in addition to Fees.
Once you’ve imported the LOINC codes with the fees, use the drop-down in the Codes Module (your 3rd attachment); otherwise it remains hidden.
I used Mayo LOINC.cvs file (pic 1) and i already import this file to phpMyadmin table** Procedure_type** (pic 2). but I don’t know what column in this file i can add fees.
Your comment is: “You can also add the fees to the .csv file before import to save yourself the extra step of adding them to the codes table.”. if you don’t adding them to codes table, LOINC codes will not appear in fee sheet. Because fee sheet load the codes list from table** CODES**
could you please give me LOINC.csv file have the fees?
And one more question: Procedure module used table Procedure_type but codes module used table CODES. so i will import LOINC codes to CODES or Procedure_type table?
The Mayo LOINC .csv file was created exclusively for import into the procedure_type table so that users would not have to manually configure the Procedures Module. This has nothing to do with charging for the service.
If you use an external lab, they have their own fees & there would be no reason for your practice to charge patients for lab studies.
If you have an in-house lab, you should have your own fees for performing these studies.
Do you have your own lab? If you do, I’ll elaborate later about reworking the Mayo LOINC .csv file for import into codes so that your practice can charge for lab services.
If you don’t have your own lab, import into the codes table is totally unnecessary.