How to load an SQL dump of OpenEMR

tavpriteshsethi wrote on Wednesday, July 23, 2014:

Hi, I am a newbie at openEMR and have been given an SQL dump (emr_backup.tar file) created by a collaborator. Extracting this led to openemr.sql.gz and openemr.tar.gz. I followed the INSTALL file and have tried the following steps:-

  1. Extracting the openemr.tar.gz which led to openemr folder.
  2. This was copied into the htdocs folder of xampplite in my localhost.

However I am stuck because I believe I have to select the option of “have already created the database”. Or do I have to select to have a new database created for me? I have tried both but with errors coming up during the installation steps.
Any help will be appreciated.

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, July 23, 2014:

To restore in Windows, see this

Using recovery script in Linux, see this.

From command line,
mysql -u root -p openemr < backup.sql

tavpriteshsethi wrote on Thursday, July 24, 2014:

Thanks fsgl, worked like charm.

fsgl wrote on Thursday, July 24, 2014:
