How to integrate OpenEMR with Keycloak for utilizing FHIR & REST APIs?

I’m trying to integrate OpenEMR with Keycloak for user authentication.
My use case is to utilize the REST APIs or FHIR APIs of OpenEMR for creating a custom healthcare application.
Could anyone guide me through this process?

It is difficult for anyone to guide you because you have not shared where you are stuck. No one wants to hold your hand. You have to share what have you tried to do and where are you stuck. Even then, you will need to share your code so we can see what you are doing. Then someone might chime in and make a suggestion. That is mostly what happens here suggestions and prompting. Come back and post here after you get started and get stuck.

hi sunny
thanks for your post way back in september about keycloak, which i’ve just seen: I wondered if you had got any further with this as i have been trying to do something similar: i’ve been trying to use SSO so that if a user has logged into keycloak they can automatically log into openemr, in a similar fashion to SSO with google which is already implemented when one sets admin->config->security->enable google signin