tsvas wrote on Friday, October 21, 2016:
Please help how to get CMS EHR certification id?
- https://chpl.healthit.gov
- Searched for OpenEMR and found the link https://chpl.healthit.gov/#/product/43
How to proceed further to get certification id?
tsvas wrote on Friday, October 21, 2016:
Please help how to get CMS EHR certification id?
How to proceed further to get certification id?
juggernautsei wrote on Friday, October 21, 2016:
ONC-ACB Certification ID: IG-3376-14-0105
tsvas wrote on Friday, October 21, 2016:
Thank you. I tried, but it is not working. Florida Medicaid Incentives program says - please entere the 15 character CMS EHR Certification ID for the Complete EHR System (No dashes or spaces should be entered).
bradymiller wrote on Monday, October 31, 2016:
OpenEMR does not have Stage 2 Complete EHR Certification yet. We are closing in on it though, and should have by year end.
tsvas wrote on Friday, November 18, 2016:
Thanks Brady. Appreciate your great work and dedication to this project.