How to enable openemr patient portal

I have an EC2-instance of openemr cloud express running. I wanted to enable patient portal and test it but for some reason, the url says it was not found in the server. Any extra configurations I need to do? I have the portal enabled in the admin config and portal link as setup where is my dns.

May I know how are you host your open emr, along with that can you kindly share a screen shot of paitent portal page settings.

Try to Remove the openemr in the settings of the portal page make as and enable the Enable Patient Portal

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hello it worked. in the patient portal website, I was entering my own instead of “” in

Hello Folks-
Welcome to the OpenEMR forum and community! I hope you find the answers you’re looking for.
The patient portal is documented in the OpenEMR wiki, starting here:

If you formulate more questions on the specifics come back to the forum and ask them here.
Best- Harley

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