ravisoni wrote on Wednesday, January 01, 2014:
I’m exploring openemr system and checked education system under misc navigation and I’m weirdly wonder how can educate a patient using this please help.
ravisoni wrote on Wednesday, January 01, 2014:
I’m exploring openemr system and checked education system under misc navigation and I’m weirdly wonder how can educate a patient using this please help.
blankev wrote on Wednesday, January 01, 2014:
Sorry, but I do not completely understand your question.
But if you mean how can OpenEMR educate the patients of your clinic, I think the answer is still not so much. But it can be used as an education tool if some imagination of options can be used.
Something as how to reach a better life and future health, can be achieved by the Vitals and graphs used for this module or other parts that can show some statistical evidence.
But if there is enough interest, Developers/Universities might like to improve the education part of OpenEMR and create something that can be used to educate doctors/medical students, as well as patients. But this is more a future option to explore. OpenEMR is used at some Universities/Medical-schools to show students what it means to use an EMR to improve patient care.
fsgl wrote on Wednesday, January 01, 2014:
In the U.S., one of the requirements of Meaningful Use, in order to qualify for the EHR bonus, is patient education. The module that you are referring to, is a search engine to find medical information literature to give patients to satisfy that requirement.
mdsupport wrote on Wednesday, January 01, 2014:
The link you used is not a system but merely a bookmark for few of the common resources practices may be using. The search box helps you submit a search if the web site accepts that type of input.
In our case we consolidated various bookmarks providers had accumulated and added to the standard 3 items along with categories. The content can be on our server or external. There are very elegant ways of sharing content links but this is a very basic method that is very handy when there is staff turnover.