How to display all encounters in a day encounter no wise?
I want to see how many pts came to show to me which i wont come to know from finder pager.
How can i display in finder search options by encounter no?
hi robert,
i think you’re looking for a list of all encounters in a day? rather than look at encounters for an individual patient. The report in the menu report/clients/list
shows latest encounters for each patient is this of any use?
and if it is we also developed a report for latest encounters, here’s a screen shot from my test system
it’s our own code that hasn’t been incorporated into the main release because it’s similar to the other report, but i can get the code to you
best wishes
we use it from the menu “reports/client/latest encounters” by adding it to the file tabs/menu/menus/standard.json if you do a search on “Latest Encounters” you’ll see the json we use standard.json (56.1 KB)
it’s easy to add it to any of the menus that you like, I think probably easier than changing the code of the patient finder to add a button to that page