How to Create Demo Credentials in OpenEMR

Could you please guide me on how to create demo credentials for OpenEMR? I would like to set up a demo environment to explore its features.

hi victor,
if i understand your request then the demo instance of openemr might help?

for testing, exploring and development i set up a local server run under docker on my own desk top (rather than using Virtual Box) - information about this is at openemr/ at master · openemr/openemr · GitHub

Hi @Victor_Barbosa

As @ruth pointed out, OpenEMR has several public demos linked on the page she gave. You can select the ones with demo data, which come pre-loaded with a few users and patients and (limited) demo data included.

However, these demos are very generic so if you want to test any but the most basic capabilities you will need to follow her other link and install your own instance, then customize it to your needs.

For those additional features you can look through the wiki user guide (OpenEMR 7.0.2 Users Guide - OpenEMR Project Wiki) in the sections ‘Main Topics’ and ’ Supplementary Topics’ for the features you want then read how to set them up.

Then come back here for answers to your questions on how to use them!
Best- Harley

@Victor_Barbosa It just occurred to me that you might be asking a more simple question than we responders thought.

When you install OpenEMR and open it for the first time you only have one user account, the default ‘admin’ account who has administrative privileges. And you have no patient records unless you create them.

To make the OpenEMR instance more representative of a real clinic you would need to create several user accounts with different ACLs, and a few dummy patient records for people of different ages and medical statuses. Similarly, to test the EMR’s billing capabilities you need to configure the clinic itself and the practice settings.

This forum contains several references and links to demo data which can be generated and imported into OpenEMR.

A general search on the topic would be: Search results for 'demo data' - OpenEMR Community

And here are a couple specific links, the usefulness of which will depend on the IT skills you have at your disposal:

Good luck!
Best- Harley