How to Copy emr_backup.tar and restore script to the home directory to Restore from emr_backup.tar

What is the point of having a “Backup” in OpenEMR if there is no restore?

I can find no way to restore OpenEMR from the emr_backup.tar files (at least none that works).


Here is a specific case I am trying to achieve a restore from backup with … the steps are shown below. I am using OpenEMR on the AWS Cloud

first, I use a terminal app on my local computer, copy the emr_backup.tar file from my local computer to the ~/ directory of my sparkling/fresh/new AWS instance with OpenEMR installed:

scp -i “path1/[Your_Open_EMR_key].pem” path2/emr_backup.tar ubuntu@[]:~/

from a terminal app on my local computer (laptop), I logged into my aws instance:

ssh -i “path/[Your_Open_EMR_key].pem” ubuntu@[]

After I logged into to my new aws instance with OpenEMR installed already, I started a root session:

sudo bash

I obtained the OpenEMR instance “docker” process id

OE_INSTANCE=$(docker ps | grep _openemr | cut -f 1 -d " ")

I then used this process id to open a shell and connect to the OpenEMR docker process

docker exec -it b9b9d94cb9d94c sh

Now I see the following command prompt, confirming that I am in the OpenEMR docker and in the OpenEMR directory as root

/var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr #


  1. Restore script can be found in openemr/contrib/util as an executable file. – Noted

  2. Copy emr_backup.tar and restore script to the home directory. – # How?