How to bypass insurance alltogether

merlinsilk wrote on Wednesday, December 16, 2015:

There is a patient who has no insurance and none is entered in the demographics. When I use the fee sheet to add a service that was delivered, that amount appears in the patient’s billing widget under Insurance Balance Due.
How would I go about it to bypass all mentioning of insurance and have this showing as Patient Balance Due?
Thanks - Merlin

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, December 16, 2015:

Would suggest that you ignore the Billing widget in Patient Summary. If you can print a Patient Statement for this patient, then it’s only a cosmetic problem.

If the cosmetic problem bugs you, you will need to change the code for the Billing widget.

aethelwulffe wrote on Wednesday, December 16, 2015:

I think there is something coming in the “guarantor” feature that Tony has mentioned that will probably enable you to address this issue directly.
Otherwise, the tweak would be simply replacing the billing widget text. Grepping this…ok.
Line 677: xlt(‘Insurance Balance Due’) in \openemr\interface\patient_file\summary\demographics.php
Change that hard-coded stuff to what you like or put in a function to replace the name with whatever is appropriate.
I would suggest ‘Balance Due’.

merlinsilk wrote on Friday, December 18, 2015:

I think I am going to change the code in the billing widget as I have to do something in the area anyways. Planning to get another line in there that shows prepayments made by a patient that are not applied to a procedure, so that staff can see directly if a patient is fully paid before scheduling for a procedure.

arnabnaha wrote on Friday, December 18, 2015:

Hi Merlin
Prepayment is a much needed feature in openemr. In India, we have 90% patients who are non-insurance and pay via cash. Prepayment option through fees->payment when used, the money is not seen reproduced anywhere. Its a big issue as adjustments following an encounter couldnt be done and prepayments donot reflect in the billing too. Hope you can fix this issue in openemr for cash patients.

Thanks and regards,