How does one add this scope? I tried adding it to the scope like this: system/*.$export while registering a client but get an invalid scope error.
"error": "invalid_scope",
"error_description": "The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed",
"hint": "Check the `system/*.$export` scope",
"message": "The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed"
Hi @stephenwaite I did as you suggested and still get an error:
"error": "invalid_scope",
"error_description": "The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed",
"hint": "Check the `system/\\*.$export` scope",
"message": "The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed"
@benmarte Have you enabled the Enable OpenEMR FHIR System Scopes (Recommended Off, Turn on only if you know what you are doing) flag. It’s in Globals -> Connectors.
System scopes are turned off by default in OpenEMR.
What version of OpenEMR are you running against? Is this the master branch or the 6.0 release? That screenshot looks like the 6.0 release.
The FHIR system scopes are in the master branch (ie latest dev environment). I believe they will go out in the next patch, but not sure when @brady.miller is releasing it.
I’m not sure we’ve decided if some of the newer API stuff is coming back to a patch.
I think we should but @brady.miller may have some concerns i’m unaware.
If we’re voting then put me down for yes. I suppose it will depend if we have to do any builds etc.
No worries, I pulled down the latest version of the repo and I see the checkbox @adunsulag is referring to and when I add the system/*$.export to the scope I get this error now.
"error": "invalid_client_metadata",
"error_description": "jwks is invalid",
"message": "jwks is invalid"
As this is a client grant you will need to provide a url for server to grab the clients(distant) jwk to verify signatures/client.
I believe this is documented in the api readme.