How to Assign Patients to Specific Physicians in OpenEMR?

In my OpenEMR setup, I have created two physicians: Physician A and Physician B. We also have multiple patients. How can I assign a particular patient to a specific physician?
I.E: I want to display patients of physician-A in physician-A login& I want to display patients of physician-B in physician-B login.
how can we do that.
openEMR version:7.0.2patch-3
Operating system: Windows-11, FireFox

Under the patient demographics, there is the Choice TAB. In there you can assign the provider.

Hello @nikhilchatni
The Provider assignment described by the OP only ‘assigns’ the provider for purposes of reports and other administrative activities, it does not restrict the provider’s pt list when they are logged in.
That function is found in the Patient Privacy module described here:

However: that module was coded a while ago and now needs to be updated to work with the latest version of OpenEMR. I am asking our devs who wrote the module what work would be needed; you can DM me if you’re interested in following up on this.
Best- Harley

like as you said in my openEMR version:7.0.2 patch-3 i am not able to see patient privacy modules in our manage modules.

When making an appointment you need to select the patient and the provider. In this example Dr Smith will only see his patients on his calender unless he select All Users

@htuck I looked for that module in the past repos. I started at 6.0.0 and came forward looking through each. I did not find that was ever released to the codebase. It appears this was a private module created by MI2. Your wiki page states.

“This wiki page is the online version of the user docs that are distributed by MI-Squared when you contact us about installing the module.”

I was looking to see if I could assist.

hi @juggernautsei, the community version is here:


This addendum per Ken, the dev who wrote the Pt Privacy module:

‘The module I think @stephenwaite is referring to is what I put in the community as a very basic example of how to use the hooks and filters, but has no UI. But our more robust module is also open source. GitHub - mi-squared/oe-patient-privacy: Patient Privacy Module for OpenEMR

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