Hi guys. Does any one know how to add modules eg a pharmacy or an inpatient module in the OpenEMR system from another existing health system using both php and mysql. Also some explanation on how to bill first per service will be much appreciated
Hi there thank alot. for billing i wanted it to be have a flow such that the patient pays first for doctor consultation then if directed to the pharmacy goes to the accounts pays then he/she is able ta access the pharmacy service the same should apply to the labs .then the system should be able to generate a report of the daily turnover
OpenEMR is geared toward outpatient services. Claim generation is predicated on 837 Professional format and the CMS 1500 form, not 837 Institutional and the UB-04.
To faciliate the flow from the encounter with physician to the pharmacy to the labs, consider the Charges Panel; Administration/Global/Appearance, click Use Charges Panel & Save. Set up an encounter for a patient, Fee/Charges.
Hi fsgl. My main concern was the flow of the billing to be the way hospitals in our country operate. {a new patient comes and is registered and has to pay registration fees failure to do so the doctor cannot access his or her a/c ,then the patient pays consultation fee and goes to the doctor where the doctor now sends the patient to the lab or pharmacy if lab is not needed if lab the test to be taken are paid for then the patient is tested and goes back to the doctor the doctor prescribes drugs and the patient pays and goes to get his/her drugs} . if i can be guided how to make such a module i would appreciate
In OpenEMR there is no separate module for Registration at present.Once creating an encounter for patient and after doctor examines him, the fee can be filled in feesheet and from there to billing manager.
But You can customize OpenEMR to include a new module for Registration and you can code in such a way that, only when he/she pays it, an encounter for that patient can be created.
Set up the service and diagnosis codes so that the patients can be charged.
Click the Copay link and the Registration Fee can be recorded. See attachment 1.
Select a service code and click that code. See attachment 2.
Select a diagnosis code and click that code. In the right panel check both the service code and the diagnosis code and click Justify/Save. This will link the diagnosis code to the service code. See third attachment.
Click Copay again, enter the Consultation Fee, click Receipt & print receipt. See fourth and fifth attachments.
If laboratory studies are required, repeat 4, 5, & 6 for the corresponding service code.
If Dispensary services are need, click Add Prescription and the Dispensary Module will appear in the middle panel. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for the Dispensary charges. See attachment 6.
With any encounter made there is a choice of New patient and establish patient. To my knowledge these options are also connected to the Fee sheet. These can be fine tuned with the steps suggested by fslg.
If these steps are not included in the WIKI pages, PLEASE, fslg could you provide or include them in the manual pages of OpenEMR…
Reception in Dan’s clinic can do the Demographics stuff for new patients. For established patients, it’s just a patient lookup and collection of the registration fee. Bam, can’t get any easier.
This nifty module should fit Dan’s clinic like a glove. Once the service and diagnosis codes are entered, a Fee Sheet is automatically generated. If I had to guess, Dan is in Africa. As a result he won’t have to contend with 837p’s, 835’s and the like. He won’t have to bother with the Billing Module at all.
I was totally unaware of this little gem until a user left it in the 4.1.1 Demo. Sure, be happy to add an article about it in Supplementary Topics. Thank you for making the suggestion. Clinics with self-pay patients and services under one roof should know about this module.
How can you enter registration fee in current openemr version…no such scope…even the charge panel doesnot open up before an encounter is made…one method is to use the prepay popup or the payment module in the Fees->Payment to assign a prepay amount to the patient which gets adjusted following encounter creation and fee sheet generation…
The write up very good…Thanks for the wiki update…went through the charge module…it showed a little bug out there…
when you search for icd9 or icd 10 codes in the charge module…it always shows NO RESULT FOUND. all tjhe codes are active in the list and also uploaded nicely…
Using the charges panel is not safe…even my accountant can modify the prescription or add any drug in the prescription using the charges panel…it is better to keep this module off until all these are fixed or security is increased.
The Wiki article, Charges Panel, provides more details and screenshots. If you left click on the blue letters (Charges Panel), it will take you to the Wiki article.
After you have activated the Charges Panel, selected a patient and an encounter, go to Fees/Charges and left click Copay in the left panel. The Copay entry will then appear in the middle panel.
For us in the U.S., the portion paid by patients is the copayment and the balance from insurance. Because Kenyan patients pay the entire amount, it really should be Payment instead of Copay. The semantics does not get in the way of proper processing of the charges.
Have a look at the Wiki article. If anything is unclear, please post and I will make it more explicit here and in the article.
Hi fsgl,
I have already succeed coding the payments in copay. But i wanted the payments to appear automatically when one is registered and when drugs are prescribed to him