For example I would like to remove the employer details from the dashboard.
hi @Stewart_Cusick , you can edit the layout, Admin->Forms->Layout but beware because this deletes them from the database so best to make a backup and try out on a demo system first.
Thats Stephen, I probably asked that the wrong way round. I’m working in database and some one has removed some these tabs but the layouts are still in the locations you mentioned Admin->Forms->Layout. Is there a way to hind and unhide these tabs?
Thanks for the fast responses.
Super that was it the employer was turned off thanks guys.
I actually have a few more issues if you guys could help me with around this same employers tab.
Now I can see the tab when I try and edit employer in layout i have issues. For example I want to make the “industry” field “optional” instead of “unused” but when I save changes they don’t save. This also happens when I add my own custom field.
Secondly when I try and export the data to a form {DEM:em_name} nothing appears. I have checked there is infromation filled in under that patient. Its seems to be happening with all the em_… fields but even when I change the code it still doesn’t work.
Thanks in advance for any help.
- looks like a csrf bug judging by the php log for the main demo but it’s fixed in the dev version
- can try to debug the php script like outlined in this thread
hi @Stewart_Cusick, fixed a bug in the demographics employer save area so it will store any new fields properly in the db.
Thanks very much for your help.