How openemr could generate pid with different variables

Hello Forks
I am working on openemr system and I would like to know if there is a way openemr can generate pid where this pid could have different variables in it.

Thank you

Do not touch core patient pid but use external pid for a MRID and you can configure in Globals->Features

Thank you Jerry for your feedback

could give me an example of Mask for Patient IDs

Not sure as i’ve never used or looked at source. Hovering over field shows mask characters so you’ll have to play with or maybe Stephen @stephenwaite remembers how this feature is used.

hi @sjpadgett, nope, never used it

Hi Folks; @Ngabo
Here’s a quickie ExtID mask tutorial. Amazingly this feature has never been documented in the OpenEMR wiki; I may just do that some day.

It’s fairly straightforward, and not terribly complex.
The mask specifies the pattern that an External ID must have.
The characters allowed are specified in the tooltip shown in @sjpadgett’s post just above. The mask is kept in Globals, found from the Main Menu at: Administration → Globals, Features tab.

When creating a new patient (‘Patient/Client’ → ‘New/Search’) the External ID is entered as prompted by the mask pattern.
In this example I set the mask as: @@@-###-**** which specifies 3 alpha + hyphen + 3 numeric + hyphen + 4 any characters

Ext IDs must be manually entered for each patient. As soon I entered the 3 alphas a hyphen was automatically appended; I entered the 3 numeric and a hyphen appeared; I added the last alphanumeric bit and that allowed the new patient to be saved.

Good things to know:

  • Once a mask is specified, the external ID must be used for all subsequent new patients; it cannot be left blank for some and used for others.
  • If the mask is deleted, any subsequent new pts can be assigned the default PID (as is the default action) or given any arbitrary Ext ID.
  • In this demo all the patients above the one we just created were made without an Ext ID mask. And for the one after it, ID ‘7’, I had deleted the ExtID mask and it reverted to automatically assigning the PID.

Please let me know if any of this is not clear.
Best- Harley


Excellent @htuck thanks for clarifying that for us!

Yer welcome!
And just for the record, I did go ahead on and write the wiki doc

It’s pretty much the same as what’s above but if you want to print it out it’s tidier, doesn’t have the extraneous forum content.

  • HT
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