How open the patient summary from a custome form?

Hi community , I have a custome form when I set some patient information and I would like that after to fill the form the form reedirect to the patient summary

, It is possible?? if the answer is yes where I can find the code to programming this function?
Thanks for your help.

I don’t understand the question.

But if you want to get back to the page that you have posted. You would have to manually click on the patient’s name to get back to this screen. There is no auto redirect. In the screenshot you have posted. After filling out the custom form. The fastest way to return to the screen posted in a manual process.

Sorry if wasn’t clear with my question ,but you understood the main idea. I’m trying to reedirect to patient’s summary not clicking the patient’s name.

Change the behavior of the custom form save function to go to the summary page upon clicking save. That is one suggestion. How did you build the custom form?