Hello All,
Seeking to build a eye exam template.
In using the existing form, we would like to add power range for sphere,et. all
The list box with add would be helpful. It precludes use of entries beginning with numbers.
Any ideas?
If you want to expand the various list boxes, go to Administration/Lists & edit.
The add list boxes range from +1.00 to about +3.25 in quarter diopter increments. Although cropped from the image below, they are located to the right of the axis list boxes in the form.
Thanks fsgl for the response. I gather that a hyperope of some magnitude,(say +5.50), will require a rebuilding of the list. My present version (your creation,I believe) has 33 components ranging from -4.00 to +4.00. Short cuts are for sissies I suppose .
Thanks again Doctor. BTW, Jack Cahn, M.D. of the nearby burg accused you of being very helpful. I saw him in the grocery and asked about the program. Discovered his interest in looking at the FAQs. Seems he can not get his mates to pursue OEMR in their clinic. Are there ophthalmic utilizers of this system?
The drawback to the NT (Non-Typist) form is that choices are limited to the group, be it list boxes or Components in NationNote. I was fortunate in having been taught touch typing as a youngster, so I use the other set of forms in the office. Auto Complete is active in Comprehensive Exam making the task easier.
Jack & I have a great deal of fun posting about totally irrelevant subjects. He is resigned to that fact that his partners are unable “to see the light”. Can lead a horse to water, but can’t make it drink.
Henry Alvarez & David Speck are other Eye Guys (likewise Bashar al-Assad & Ayman al-Zawahiri; but both no longer practice Medicine, so they don’t count). The Wiki article had been written in response to a request for Ophthalmology forms. From the number of views, there is more than a few joining our little club.
We welcome another North Carolinian to these Fora. Ask Jack about what you have in common with Queen Elizabeth I of England.
To get around an inadequate list box, simply use Note.
We employ the equal symbol for “combined with”. Or open-close parentheses, but that would entail 2 keystrokes (& you will have turn your head 90 degrees).
Double entente seems a potential. My original query refers to data type:List box w/add
Since fsgl has a refractive designation Add there was confusion gendered. “Mia Bada”
in my best street Latin. Query arises : Is it possible to use this Data Type with numeric entries or must one round the cape to get there? Am I to understand that Peter W has removed this obstacle ?
Nearsightedly Yours,
No, you are NOT to understand Pieter W has removed anything.
I wish I could. I only give suggestions that might work. I am a trial and error, most of the time error-person.
I wish I had enough time and energy to explore everything interesting in OpenEMR, but most of the time I find practical solutions that might also work for others.
My answer was in response of fsgl… just above my statement.
A user may deploy any Data Type that he pleases & in any configuration. Listbox w/add was not used in the NT form because it did not give an extra area for notes.
Suggest that you import one of the Eye forms into the Weekly Demo, which won’t reset for another 6 days & experiment to your heart’s content. How-to.