How can I add an external url into a category to left_nav.php?

Hi community!, I´m trying to insert an external URL into a category using the left_nav.php file, I tried the next way:

But this doesn´t work correctly, I have the next error when I tried to open the category :

Exist a way to add an external URL into the primary_docs array?

Best regards.


You can add custom links by customizing the OpenEMR codes.
Please refer the attached screen to add custom links in left_nav.php.

changes in left nav.php -> ( loadFrame2 ) function :

function loadFrame2(fname, frame, url,iscustom=false) {


  var f = document.forms[0];
	  var fi = f.sel_frame.selectedIndex;
	  if (fi == 1) frame = 'RTop'; else if (fi == 2) frame = 'RBot';
  if (!f.cb_bot.checked) frame = 'RTop'; else if (!f.cb_top.checked) frame = 'RBot';
  top.frames[frame].location =  url;

  var usage = fname.substring(3);
  if (active_pid == 0 && usage > '0') {
   alert('<?php xl('You must first select or add a patient.','e') ?>');
   return false;
  if (active_encounter == 0 && usage > '1') {
   alert('<?php xl('You must first select or create an encounter.','e') ?>');
   return false;
  if (encounter_locked && usage > '1') {
   alert('<?php echo xls('This encounter is locked. No new forms can be added.') ?>');
   return false;
  var f = document.forms[0];
  var i = url.indexOf('{PID}');
  if (i >= 0) url = url.substring(0,i) + active_pid + url.substring(i+5);
	  var fi = f.sel_frame.selectedIndex;
	  if (fi == 1) frame = 'RTop'; else if (fi == 2) frame = 'RBot';
  if (!f.cb_bot.checked) frame = 'RTop'; else if (!f.cb_top.checked) frame = 'RBot';
  top.frames[frame].location = '<?php echo "$web_root/interface/" ?>'+ url;
  if (frame == 'RTop') topName = fname; else botName = fname;
  return false;
  1. adding custom links:

2)changes in greenTreelink function :

Kindly check this and let us know if you have any clarifications .



Thanks for your anwser @visolveemr , I have added the changes that you provided me and I can add the custome link : Custom

However I have the same problem when I tried to open the external URL( I use your URL in my example) :


It’s seem you need to do changes also in the genTreeLink function… you need to add there parameter ‘iscustom’ like loadFrame2 funtion.

// Helper functions for treeview generation.
function genTreeLink($frame, $name, $title, $mono = false, $iscustom=false )
    global $primary_docs, $disallowed;
    if (empty($disallowed[$name])) {
        $id = $name . $primary_docs[$name][1];
        echo "<li><a href='' id='$id' onclick=\"";
        if ($mono) {
            if ($frame == 'RTop') {
                echo "forceSpec(true,false);";
            } else {
                echo "forceSpec(false,true);";

        echo "return loadFrame2('$id','$frame','" .
            $primary_docs[$name][2] . "',$iscustom)\">" . $title . ($name == 'msg' ? ' <span id="reminderCountSpan" class="bold"></span>' : '')."</a></li>";

Try it…

If you want to put your new link in the category of modules or report I can help you to create new module that redirects to external url. this better if you plan to upgrade your project in the future.



Skeleton of ZF2 module for OpenEMR.
If someone else need…

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Hi @Amiel ,

Thanks for contributing this module skeleton. This may be a really good thing for OpenEMR to bring into the main github repos (would basically bring it in as a separate repo) at OpenEMR · GitHub if you agree @Amiel . Thoughts on me doing this @robert.down ?


Hi @brady.miller,

Of course you can take it.