How bad is having Deprecated code

octort wrote on Wednesday, August 29, 2012:

I am getting a lot messages in the error_log files showing DEPRECATED, how bad it can be?


thanks in advance!

tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, August 29, 2012:

It means at some point, in a future release of php, that command may stop working altogether.  This is what happened in mysql with the TYPE= -vs- ENGINE=  parameter.

for production us, turn off the deprecated code warnings in php.ini to clean up your log.


octort wrote on Saturday, September 01, 2012:


octort wrote on Thursday, September 20, 2012:

What is the current PHP version supported for OEMR 4.1? I want to use the one that won’t show Deprecated messages.
Thanks in advance!

bradymiller wrote on Friday, September 21, 2012:

Is it OpenEMR 4.1.0 or 4.1.1?

octort wrote on Thursday, September 27, 2012:

OEMR 4.1.0

I removed the “&” from each line, not sure if that will give me an error later!!!???

PHP Deprecated:
Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in

on line 861,867,1175,1940,2960,3486,3526,3545

860 // return simplified empty recordset for inserts/updates/deletes with lower overhead
861 $rs =& new ADORecordSet_empty();

867 $rs =& new $rsclass($this->_queryID,$this->fetchMode); // &new not supported by older PHP versions

1175 $rs2 =& new $arrayClass();

1940 $fld =& new ADOFieldObject();

2960 $this->_obj =& new ADOFetchObj();

3486 $obj =& new $cls();

3526 $perf =& new $class($conn);

3545 $dict =& new $class();

thanks in advance!