How a patient can launch a registered Client application

I have hosted an open EMR instance of version 7.0.1 and was able to create providers with roles physician and clinician along with admin.

I have also successfully registered two confidential client applications one with Single Patient Application (assuming patient context) and another with Multiple Patients Application (assuming provider context).

Now I have logged into openEMR with admin account and able to launch both of the client apps.
Similarly, I have logged into openEMR with physician account and able to launch both of the client apps (don’t know why I am able to launch Single Patient Application as it is related to patient context).

But when I created a patient login and logged in to the Native patient portal using the patient credentials, I could not find any provision to launch the applications in it (below is the dashboard screenshot)

So, could anyone guide me on how to launch a client application with a single patient context using the patient portal/ patient login?

Patient apps are supported in OpenEMR via the standalone patient launch (patient/launch) scope. There is no built in integration from the patient portal as only the provider has support for the ehr launch.

We are actually working on integrations into the patient portal as a dashboard smart launch app right now and will likely have something in the master release branch in the next few weeks.

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