HL7 interfaces

teryhill wrote on Saturday, January 25, 2014:

Does any one have any ADT interfaces in place. I have been tasked with doing an Interface and reallly don’t want to reinvent the wheel.

mdsupport wrote on Sunday, January 26, 2014:

You should check with ADT first to see if they have a direct SFTP link. If they do, follow documented process and you should be connected with little effort.

teryhill wrote on Sunday, January 26, 2014:

I am sorry for the confusion. ADT to me is patient demographics, insurance, visit information etc. This is to interface with another system for data exchange. Utilizing HL7 records MSH,EVN,PID,PV1,PD1,IN1,and GT1

mdsupport wrote on Monday, January 27, 2014:

Lab interface has some of the segments but obviously it does not update patient data. Another consideration will be current code is v2 and likely to have issues with v3.

teryhill wrote on Monday, January 27, 2014:

Thanks . could you point me to the code for the lab interface. I will work with the issues of v2 verses v3. I can get by ,for now , with just sending the info and processing the acknowledgments.

rgouette wrote on Thursday, April 03, 2014:

Terry, have you had any progress with ADT interface data?
I’m beginning my openEMR journey, and am interested in transmitting ADT from OEMR.
(among other things)

teryhill wrote on Thursday, April 03, 2014:

I got pulled to other projects so I have not worked much on this. I have worked most of it out and just need to get the time to start writing the code. I have setup mirth and was playing with it.

rgouette wrote on Thursday, April 03, 2014:

what?! you cannot focus solely on openEMR all day long??

ok, thanks for the reply
it’s encouraging just knowing folks are here & online

teryhill wrote on Thursday, April 03, 2014:

Something about eating ,paying bills etc

rgouette wrote on Wednesday, April 16, 2014:

Well, I don’t have ADT messages yet, but I have managed to get an order message type to flow from openEMR, into mirth, then into Orion Rhapsody.
Fun…but I’d really love to see an A04…etc type(s)
Maybe I’ll crack this nut soon…

teryhill wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2014:

Hi Rich, How goes the project. I am wanting to get back to this project so maybe we can come up with a solution.

teryhill wrote on Wednesday, June 18, 2014:

Hey Rich I just got green lighted to do this project

Contact me at teryhill at yahoo dot com