Using the docker-compose.yml file provided by cloning the openemr main branch to ubuntu 19.04 VM.
Hit Github API rate limit. Containers build successfully but when navigating to localhost:8300 it hangs on setup.php
When running docker compose up:
Downloading (0%)Github API limit (0 calls/hr) is exhausted, could not fetch …
Create a github OAuth token to go over the API rate limit. You can also wait until ? for the rate limit to reset."
hi @RachelEllison ,
That ssh error is really odd since the the docker running in that form and from a new openemr repo shouldn’t be using ssh. Makes we wonder if something is wrong with the repo. What do you see in repo for following commands:
git status
docker ps -a
docker volume ls
docker pull openemr/openemr:flex
yep, it makes things complicated that it doesn’t have an option to look for more recent dockers. In the insane docker development environment, the “command” to do this is a mere 34 lines openemr/contrib/util/docker at master · openemr/openemr · GitHub
(note this environment just recently decided to break, but will be fixed soon)