Hide and add buttons

Hello everyone

I tried, but I’m not an expert in javascript, but I need your help, I searched the code, but so far unable to find it, to hide certain elements and add buttons.

For example, here I need to hide the contents inside the red rectangles.
and in demographics to the side where it says “interconsulta” create a button that directs me to “History” and next to this other button to “Documents”

in “Past Encounters and Documents” add some buttons where the green rectangles appear.

I wish someone could help me.
From already thank you very much.

You can hide menu using css in file -> interface/themes/style_light.css
table.subnav {
display: none;

For adding buttons to demographics you can add JS to interface/patient_file/summary/demographics.php
and to interface/patient_file/history/encounters.php for buttons in encounter list.

Good luck.

Hello, thanks for answering.

I can not find “table.subnav” in the file “style_light.css”

Thank you, the file “interface / patient_file / summary / demographics.php”


I would recommend not changing the CSS file directly; instead create a CSS file inside of /interface/themes/ (It can be called anything as long as it starts with style_

Inside of that file the first line should be

@import url(“./style_light.css);

Add any custom styling beneath and change your theme to that from Appearance —> Globals

This extends a theme and allows better customization.

This helps avoid upgrade conflict. If you change the style_light CSS directly, you’ll lose any changes if you do an upgrade. Same applies to any JS. I recommend creating a separate JavaScript file and including it as needed to ensure minimum upgrade troubles.

Agree with Robert.

You need to add new lines to css file with -
table.subnav {
display: none;

Thank you