Help with install

fritomd wrote on Tuesday, May 26, 2015:

CenOS 6.6 + LAMP except MariaDB10 with datadir=/home/mysql

going through openemr install and continually get the following error on step 3:
Connecting to MySQL Server… ERROR. Check your login credentials. unable to connect to database as root

from command line I can login as root with same password.
I have tried with a created user ‘openemr’ and database ‘openemr’
but no luck.

why can I log in to mysql from command line but openemr setup can not? any insight would be appreciated.


fritomd wrote on Tuesday, May 26, 2015:

btw I yum install php-mysql.

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, May 26, 2015:

See this.

fritomd wrote on Tuesday, May 26, 2015:

Yep, I saw that post before I posted mine. The author of the referenced post actually removed MariaDB and installed MySQL. In my situation, there are 2 factors that are different from the typical install.

  1. I am using MariaDB 10
  2. I have moved the data directory prior to attempting to install OEMR

Thanks for taking a look at this.

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, May 26, 2015:

Assuming that no hosting is involved & only MariaDB will be used (not both MySQL & MariaDB), would suggest you start from scratch & do the following:

  1. Step 1 of OpenEMR setup, have the database created for you.

  2. Step 2, supply only the passwords for items in red rectangles.

  3. Don’t change the path to the database. It should be in the var/lib/ folder.

  4. The web directory should be in var/www not var/www/html.

OpenEMR has been installed successfully with MariaDB.

fritomd wrote on Thursday, May 28, 2015:

Thanks again,

Yep, I was able to easily install with both MySQL and MariaDB10. The program runs fine. I have decided to use MariaDB. I am now working on moving the data directory. fsgl, thank you for going through the effort to help me. It takes some work to respond as thoughtfully as you do.

fsgl wrote on Friday, May 29, 2015:

Pleased to be of assistance.

After running the built-in backup, it is very important that recovery is part of the equation. One reason for not relocating the database is that the restore script “expects” it to be in the usual place, otherwise the script will fail.

If you plan to forge ahead, it will be necessary to customize the restore script.

tejenbhandari wrote on Friday, June 12, 2015:

i was try to create new user, i’m unable to create new user, when i fill all the require parameter and applying after it says password incorrect, i have try with different username and password still it says password incorrect.
anyone having this issue and have solve this problem
please share your thought thanks.

fsgl wrote on Friday, June 12, 2015:

See attached.