I need to authenticate patients, make an appointment and other things, I saw that in the version 5.0.2 there are some routes and some rest controllers. I was wondering if there is any guide or documentation that says anything about this, how I can use it or modify, thanks.
@brady.miller gave us some example usage for internal use, openemr/InternalApiTest.php at master · openemr/openemr · GitHub
for external use:
Ok, thanks a lot, can you help me with something more?
I was looking here
And there isn’t a route if you wanna search for avaliable appointments in the calendar by a doctor or date just like the calendar info, Is there any functionality or I have to create it?
Thanks for your answer
ok, try adding your function to this class and maybe share your results with the community
All the rest controllers and service are located in openemr/src i.e src/RestControllers
Routes are defined in _rest_routes.inc.php in root directory.
These are the places you want to do your modifications.
Ok, thanks. I have one more question:
When I get the auth token using the “/apis/api/auth” route, I have to send the site id in the “scope” property. Each site has a sqlconfig file inside, so I guess that some file has the logic which manages the database connection using the token.
I have to create some additional methods for some features and I would like to know how I can be sure that the connection is fine.
Thanks a lot.
I’m trying to learn more about this REST api. When I type the following command (with mydomain.com instead of localhost), the following curl command issued at the command line of the AWS EC2 instance, I do not get a response at the command line … it just seems to “hang” until I abort it with ctrl-c
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://localhost:8300/apis/api/auth' \
-d '{
"username": "ServiceUser",
"password": "password",
"scope":"site id"
Did you enable the REST API?
Enable this API service in OpenEMR menu: Administration->Globals->Connectors->“Enable OpenEMR REST API”
Yes, I certainly did.
Do I also need to enable the FHIR service? Also, is the FHIR base address relevant to this?
hi @Ralf_Lukner ,
The FHIR service/settings are unrelated to the api. For your address, ensure you didn’t use port 8300 in the address. ie. should be 'https://mydomain.com/apis/api/auth'
Thank you! That was the problem with it hanging. I still have some ssl certificate errors … something I need to correct and then retry.