@Caversum I think the first bullet point is a checkbox in the globals section.
Admin->Globals->Calendar - “Providers See Entire Calendar”
Try unchecking that box.
For the second bullet point
This has some settings that you can change to personalize the produce.
As for the logo, i think you have to replace a specific file on the server with your logo file. I’m not sure exactly where it is but I know it’s been discussed in the forum here before. You should be able to locate info on that by searching the forum.
Unfortunately that Calendar toggle still allows the provider to click other providers in the providers box on the bottom left to select and see other provider’s calendar.
@Caversum Hi.
the logos go in the sites/default/images … folder. Dig down through there and you will find a folder called logos. The subfolders are named for the logo location. This only applies if you are using v7.0.1.x
Hello, I have the same problem, was the person you hired able to solve the problem for a doctor who cannot see the calendar of the other doctors? Could you share his contact with me? I am a doctor and I have been using OpenEMR for myself and I am happy with it, but I want to implement it in a small clinic where I work.