Help required to setup open-emr for a small hospital

Name of Company
Quality Care Hospital

Job Title
Help required to setup open-emr for a small hospital

Job Description
Looking for someone to setup open-emr for a small hospital in Pakistan. Ideal person should:

  • Understand our services and explain how we can get max benefit from open-emr
  • Be Able to customize as per the hospital requirements
  • Be Willing to coordinate work with our developer
  • Has proven experience of setting up open-emr

Required Skills

  • Setting up open-emr
  • Customizing open-emr
  • Integrations with external systems

Quality Care Hospital is a new hospital and we are still in process of setting up our services.

For more information
Please contact at

Hello @numanilyas121 Welcome to the OpenEMR community, I hope you can find good assistance here.

Your post about configuring OpenEMR for an inpatient hospital touches on a number of topics that have been discussed in the OpenEMR community for quite a while.

Inpatient capability is one of the major additions that has been desired by many for OpenEMR but that has not been realized so far. OpenEMR is designed for small outpatient practices, or doctor’s offices, rather than hospitals. One might estimate that 2/3 of its current functionalities would apply to an inpatient setting but that still leaves a fair amount of development to make it suitable.

Here’s a search you can paste into the URL bar to research the discussions that have occurred to date about adapting OpenEMR to inpatient use.

You can also see which developers and community members have been involved, so might be good to contact if you wanted to build a team to undertake this project.

Best- Harley


Thank you Harley.

We are going to use for a small hospital and looks like we should be good with the current features in open-emr.

Hello Numan,
We at Omega Systems Group can offer you assistance in your project. If you are interested please let me know.

Dear Mr.Ilyas

I saw you post in openemr community today. I have been using this openemr in Pakistan in different clinic settings.

How can I help . I am located in Islamabad

Feysal Abdullah