Help about Encounter, Appointment and Visit

wikie wrote on Wednesday, June 08, 2016:

Hello there,

I am new in openemr and already setup the openemr, I have question:

  1. How does the doctor know which patients to see, like encounter for 1 day visit, 2 day visit?
  2. How the doctor know which patient already send the precriptions completed.
  3. What must the doctor do to show that has been worked?

Thank you.

visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, June 08, 2016:

Hi Wikie,

Greetings from Visolve…!

Answering your questions

  1. The doctor can view the patients encounter scheduled for the day or current week using the calendar screen. With this screen the appointments and the encounters made for the patient with the doctor can be viewed. The view can be changed based on day, week and month specific to the selected doctor.

  2. If I have understood your question right, you have asked about how can a doctor identify if the patient prescription is completed at the patients end.
    With existing OpenEMR this feature is not present. You can only view the prescriptions that is added for the patient but the details if the prescription is completed or not is not available.

  3. I’m not clear with the question here… If your question is on, is there an option to see what all a specific doctor has worked on specific to patients and encounters, this can be viewed under reports.
    To view this, navigate to Reports -> Visits -> Appointments, enter the search criteria and submit to view the list of encounters that is processed by selected doctor

Hope this answers your question… Let us know if you have any further clarification.

ViSolve OpenEMR Support Team

visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, June 08, 2016:

Hi Wikie,

Adding the relevant screenshots to assist with more clarity…

ViSolve OpenEMR Support Team

wikie wrote on Thursday, June 09, 2016:

Hi Visolve,

Thank you for your answer, but I still have question:

  1. How we know which patients to see without encounter transaction.
    example : Day 1 the doctor see 25 patients in the list, at the night 30 patient will be added to the list, so how the doctor can find the last 30 patient?

  2. how the E-sign work, is it possible that after a doctor esigns a patient file then the shows up as another color when you search in patient list?

  3. Where the doctor see patient already esign and not.

Thank you.

visolveemr wrote on Thursday, June 09, 2016:

Hi Wikie,

  1. In OpenEMR we dont have feature to identify the last added patients but this can be found out by setting the appropriate status to the patient’s appointment in the calendar screen. This can differentiate the patients who have seen and patients who need to be seen by the doctor.
    The same can we viewed under reports (Reports -> Visits -> Appointments) by setting the appropriate time filters to check for the appointments.

  2. We do not have any existing feature to differentiate the e-signed patients using unique colours. This can be achieved through customization.

  3. The doctor can view, if the patient is esigned or not by selecting the patient followed by demographics -> Reports and this gets displayed on printing.

Hope this answers your concerns… Let us know if you have any further clarification.

ViSolve OpenEMR Support Team

wikie wrote on Sunday, June 12, 2016:

Hi Visolve,

Thank you for your answers :slight_smile: