Hcpcs codes

teryhill wrote on Wednesday, July 09, 2014:

Would anyone have a set in openemr format , that they would be willing to share, Just need a few for testing.


fsgl wrote on Wednesday, July 09, 2014:

Pimm did the heavy lifting. Download file from here & import via phpMyAdmin.

teryhill wrote on Thursday, July 10, 2014:

Thanks Alot fsgl and Pimm. One question … Where are the revenue codes?


fsgl wrote on Thursday, July 10, 2014:

Fee schedules vary from one institution to the next, hence left blank.

teryhill wrote on Thursday, July 10, 2014:

An example of revenue codes
11X Room and Board- Private (Medical or General)
110 General
111 Medical/Surgical/Gyn

fsgl wrote on Thursday, July 10, 2014:

How about this?

teryhill wrote on Thursday, July 10, 2014:

Thank you very much I can work with that. Thanks

teryhill wrote on Saturday, July 12, 2014:

Would Pimm happen to have a copy of the original file before he massaged it into OpenEMR ?

fsgl wrote on Saturday, July 12, 2014:

I don’t think Pimm is following this thread, so you can click on his name elsewhere & ask him via a private message.

blankev wrote on Sunday, July 13, 2014:


may be this file is something you are looking for?

teryhill wrote on Sunday, July 13, 2014:

Looking mainly for the raw data to massage it into codes adding other data to it as I do

fsgl wrote on Sunday, July 13, 2014:


Pimm had the codes in a spreadsheet, which he converted to .csv. After he had imported it to one of the daily Demo’s, I exported it as .sql for easy handling in the Wiki article.

Pimm will have to tell you if he still has the spreadsheet or .csv. from last October.


Here is the thread, which may help to jog the memory.

blankev wrote on Sunday, July 13, 2014:

You must get the Codes from an official sheet. Office, Word or Excell or whatever seems to be something useful to make a spreadsheet.

Once the spreadsheet is available I made it CSV, since that is what I like and understand.

Exporting in SQL also is easy using the phpMyAdmin function included in the Demo pages.

Something like this could be the place to start a search:


Let me know if there are still problems with your UB04 project.

blankev wrote on Sunday, July 13, 2014:

Looking for the RAW data is a Google search that might show you where to go.

Sometimes there is somewhere a free version, most of the times you need to pay for what you get. Be sure to if you pay you get what you want. a spreadsheet is the least. A spreadsheet in the form of OpenEMR import is the best, but usually not available, and youy have to create it with trial and error.

Some spreadsheets don;t have the option to save in plain text and add seem characters that are not compatible with phpMyAdmin and OpenEMR.

fsgl wrote on Sunday, July 13, 2014:


Terry wants to know if you still have the spreadsheet or the .csv files from last October.

He needs them to insert Revenue Codes. I get the impression running a query is not getting the job done.

fsgl wrote on Sunday, July 13, 2014:


If Pimm is unable to find either, there is no reason why you cannot work backwards.

The .sql file can be re-exported as a .csv file from phpMyAdmin or MySQL Workbench or sql tool of choice. That file can then be plugged back into a spreadsheet for manipulation. In the same vein, the .sql file can go directly into a spreadsheet without the intermediate step.

I assume you are still working on Revenue Code insertion. If that is not the case, give us more details so that the suggestions can be more tailored.

It easier to move things around using shortcuts, but I think checking for proper placement in each cell requires a spreadsheet.

teryhill wrote on Sunday, July 13, 2014:

You are correct . I was looking for the information because it should already contain the revenue codes and then I would just need to re-convert it. I can take the existing file and work towards assigning the revenue code to the hcpcs code and hopefully get them right.

fsgl wrote on Sunday, July 13, 2014:

Well, then I could have saved you the trouble.

In the original spreadsheet, Pimm had the code, short & long descriptions and nothing else because the OP from the other thread had not requested Revenue Codes.

Then the questions is whether or not the Tricare South stuff will work for all insurers.

fsgl wrote on Sunday, July 13, 2014:

I think column L in the 2014 code set from this page has entries that look like the 4 digit Revenue Codes. It is a spreadsheet, which is helpful.

Our office has no reason to submit HCPCS codes, hence all this fumbling about.

The American Hospital Association website is totally useless.

Here’s a shot in the dark should the code set not have the info:
Office Ally is the clearinghouse we use for claim submission. They handle UB-04’s as well. Would suggest that you pretend that you are working on behalf of a home health agency, trying to set up UB-04/837I for the fictional client. Make up a coherent story before calling if you are not a consummate fibber (don’t want hemming and hawing during the call). (866) 575-4120 and choose Option 1. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Pacific Standard Time is the busiest for them.

Worse thing is that they will say that they don’t know. You can ask them to point you in the right direction. They are usually professional enough not to tell you to go fly a kite.

blankev wrote on Sunday, July 13, 2014:

I took a quick look at the UB-04 site as mentioned before. This UB-04 coding seems to rely on ICD9 code and HCPCS. Or the same on ICD10 Code and HCPCS.

If this assumption is correct, there should be a third coding system for “Fee”.

In one of the first searches I did on UB-04, was an explanation on many fields and what should be included in those fields. Name address, date of admission, date and time of discharge etc. Also fields for procedures and (I forgot) probably fields for Diagnoses and symptoms.

If this is correct, my assumption, it is more of importance if you want to get a clearinghouse involved. 6500 Hospitals did commit themselves for use of the UB-40 Code, so there should be much information around. The almost free version of UB-04 was 1 License for one system, not available to make reproductions or whatever, is $155.=