paanii13 wrote on Friday, March 11, 2011:
I was just notified by Medicare of Florda that the default hcfa printout fails to meet their requirement.
According to Medicare, you must maintain one date format throughout the entire form.
The two choices are
1. 6 Digit - MMDDYY or
2. 8 Digit - MMDDYYYY The default settings for OpenEMR uses the 8 Digit format for
1. Box 3 (Patient Date of Birth)
2. Box 9b (Other Insured’s Date of Birth)
3. Box 11a (Insured’s Date of Birth)
4. Box 12 (Patient’s or Authorized Person’s Signature - Date)
5. Box 14 (Date of Current)
6. Box 15 (If Patient has had Same or Similar Illness, Give First Date)
7. Box 16 (Date Patient Unable to work…)
8. Box 18 (Hospitalization Dates….)
9. Box 25 (Date of Initial Treatment & Date Last Seen)
Unfortunately, Box 24(Dates of Services) formatted for 6 Digits.
I have two questions for the community.
1. Is there anyone that can change the Dates of Services from a 6 digit to an 8 digit format? (Obviously, changing the format to 8 digit would mean decreasing the font size because given the current font-size, inserting the year in 4 digits would not fit within the appropriated field)
2. I would like to know if any current openemr users have received rejections for this reason. Especially in Florida.