I am doing a lot of work with layout based forms and I was wondering if anyone has come up with a way of exporting the layouts and lists by name. I have been just exporting them from PHPmyadmin.
This feature was added about a year ago. Go to Administration -> Globals -> Features and turn on “Configuration Export/Import”, then go to Administration -> Backup -> Export Configuration.
Right, when you are exporting and importing lists and layouts the IDs matter. If a list or layout with the same ID already exists then it will be replaced.
Not sure what you mean fsgl, but again exporting and importing a layout means replacing the entire layout having that layout ID.
Also replacing a layout may mean making its past visit data inaccessible, but it will still be in the database.
Again you can look at the SQL to see the details of what it will do. And if you’re careful you can even edit the SQL if your intent is to make mass changes, or to create a new layout by cloning an old one.
For those of us trained in other disciplines, tweaking .sql files is dangerous territory because it does not take much to nuke the database.
I remember Configuration Export/Import did not work at all with a complex NationNote. Even phpMyAdmin export/import was difficult but at least it was feasible.
I am not seeing any data with the exception of the layout file name. No entries are being exported. This is all I get when I try to export a file. I broke it up to look at it It is actually 1 string in the export file.
‘SET character_set_client = utf8;’ ;echo “DELETE FROM layout_options WHERE form_id = ‘LBFmtbi’;” ;
echo “DELETE FROM list_options WHERE list_id = ‘lbfnames’ AND option_id = ‘LBFmtbi’;” ;
C:/xampp/mysql/bin\mysqldump -u “openemr” -p"escargot" --skip-opt --quote-names --complete-insert --no-create-info –
where=“list_id = ‘lbfnames’ AND option_id = ‘LBFmtbi’” “openemr” list_options ;
C:/xampp/mysql/bin\mysqldump -u “openemr” -p"escargot" --skip-opt --quote-names --complete-insert --no-create-info –
where=“form_id = ‘LBFmtbi’” “openemr” layout_options ;
Yes indeed. Looks like you are getting the mysqldump command itself instead of its output. Perhaps that means the program was not found or that the command line was otherwise invalid. You might try running it at the command line and see what happens.