Hardware recommend?

Iinstall OpenEMR on GCP using the OpenEMR Docker.
The hardware environment is 16 vCPU & 128 RAM.
After I uploaded about 560,000 patient information, I found that the system was obviously slow and the patient dashboard could not be used.

According to the VM monitoring, the CPU and memory usage are only 10%.
How should I solve the problem that the system cannot be used due to too many patients?

Number of patient records stored doesn’t really have a direct effect on live system performance, that’s just rows in a table. Unless, there is an issue with the SQL back end.
I’d start with checking basic things and work up from there. What are the available database resources? Are the application and database pulling from the same resources ? If the web server has 16vCPU and 128GB RAM, but the database server has minimal specifications, then your system is going to run like crap. I’ve never actually pushed a half a million patients into OpenEMR, but I know of sites with over 200,000 patients, and the minimum SQL host hardware is at least 64GB of RAM with 16+ CPU cores to keep up with dozens of providers and hundreds of users.
Check your database status, are the tables healthy, any errors in the SQL server logs? If your back end is only reporting 10% utilization, something else is wrong.

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