That’s right, OpenEMR’s favorite demo patient is celebrating today!
Don’t forget to message him in the portal
That’s right, OpenEMR’s favorite demo patient is celebrating today!
Don’t forget to message him in the portal
Happy Birthday Phil!
hi @sjpadgett, on demo OpenEMR Login
when Phil scheduled an appointment in the portal, Billy Smith was notified in the message center
2020-02-10 20:44 ( to admin) A New Appointment request was received from portal patient Phil Belford regarding appointment dated 2020-02-11 8:0:00. . Use Portal Dashboard to confirm with patient.
where in the portal dashboard does this confirmation take place?
One would hope practice is using email/sms/phone confirmation. Fax/SMS module will set the SMS Confirmed and send message. Same with email. Also, whatever the user sets appointment status on review, patient will see in portal.
User may use dashboard Secure Mail to send a confirmation or even a chat message what will also persist til patient logs in.
For now all the above applies.
I’m thinking about adding another list for patient reminders and/or user patient notes that can be replied to patient from the users patient reminder sent from portal.
Just finishing up recurring appointments in portal now. At least for displaying but haven’t decided if I want to allow patient to edit but will prob just give message for patient to contact practice.
On a more important issue: My birthday is March 3rd so everyone should respond appropriately.
P.M me for sizes, address or currency denomination preferences.
post your bitcoin address
Cool. It’s…
pretty gullible to just click on your url and downright dangerous with all of the javascript out there these days
so if an appt status is changed to EMAIL confirm and the practice has good settings in globals and demographics choices an email will be sent out from OpenEMR?
I’m not sure how email is done but my sms sets after the message is sent.
so your portal is waiting for the appointment status to change to wake up and notify the patient who requested? So the patient will have to click on the appointment category in the portal to view it’s changed status. There’s been a question from a user about including directions and other contact info in the confirmation notification.
If patient has pending mail the action bar will show mail is available. if patient is logged in and chat message is sent, they will get a browser notification. Otherwise when they check appointment list then will see any status change. Once portal notifies user for new or changes, it’s up to user to confirm.
With my SMS you can create a message template much like the existing olden way openemr did sms notify.
The VA calls, sends SMS, sends emails and pretty much everything accept send the sheriff for escort.
don’t forget about the VA and community referrals
with your work and @rmagauran’s, there’s some nice options for everyone, very nice…
I think Rays is a somewhat better integrated but we certainly are not option poor:)