I am testing with FHIR server. I’m using HAPI FHIR test server, but can’t connect:

In Dashboard:

The global setting is ok?

V6 introduced changes to how the API works, please refer to this post for more info: V6 Authorization and API changes afoot

Thank you very much for answering. I have seen a lot of documentation, but I have not managed to connect to any server.
Please, is there an example of connecting to a fhir server (any of the image)
or installing one in rhel 8 (for example) and that openemr connects? Where can I send and receive patient data?
Make it human readable (sorry for the irony).
Thanks you

I pulled my Provider Client for connecting to outside servers such as HAPI. It is planned for the future but was mostly in code previously as a test jig for FHIR development.
Once ONC is finished I plan to jump on that feature.

Sorry Jerry, you are a person that I respect very much. Mine is a concern (I’m just testing). Please look at your priorities (or everyone’s). I can wait.
Thanks a lot

No worries here. I just wanted to let folks know that a provider client is and has been in my plans.

To just test various FHIR resource transactions without much setup, I use to test against one off the public HAPI servers that are around online. http://hapi.fhir.org/

A post was split to a new topic: Push OpenEMR data to External FHIR Server