Handling of IDC-10 Translation

davidbruchmann wrote on Wednesday, December 10, 2014:


I’ve a translation of IDC-10 for Bahasa Indonesia. It’s not complete but already a good help for the Indonesian staff.

My target is now to include it in OpenEMR but also to show the English expressions when either English is chosen as language by the user or when the expression is not translated yet.

I read I had to implement those translations by the config-file custom/code_types.inc.php but have no clue yet how to do it and if it’s working like I want.

Would be nice if someone could explain the procedure and what exactly is then reached with it, if it’s working like I described my target or if it’s just replacing the English IDC-10-table.

Thanks in advance,

davidbruchmann wrote on Sunday, December 14, 2014:

Someone can help?

fsgl wrote on Sunday, December 14, 2014:

Perhaps a set of ICD-10 in Bahasa Indonesia exists. Unclear as to the location of the download, if it’s available.

If the above is unavailable; then import of the English data set, described here, would be the next step, followed by work from the English version.

I assume you are aware of the Translation Wiki page.

davidbruchmann wrote on Sunday, December 14, 2014:

Thanks for your concern and the Links.

My question so is primary technically how to “teach” OpenEMR by configuration to use the right translation. I could replace the English expressions by translations but then still only one language is shown, just another one than English.
Like I described I read I had to implement those translations by the config-file custom/code_types.inc.php but have no clue yet how to do it and if it’s working like I want.

For the Google-Group mentioned on the translation page I needed an invitation and can’t apply by myself.

The translation itself I have already with ~8000 translated of ~12000 expressions.

fsgl wrote on Sunday, December 14, 2014:

Would suggest that Brady (brady.g.miller@gmail.com) be contacted to get your translation account.

It’s my conjecture that a translator pairs a word or phrase in his native tongue to the language constants of the Google Docs Spreadsheet.

Then voilà the translated word or phrase will appear in OpenEMR. If wrong, Brady will correct the misconception.

davidbruchmann wrote on Sunday, December 14, 2014:

All right, thanks for your help.
I will send him a link to this thread.

blankev wrote on Sunday, December 14, 2014:

Et voila this is how the translation spreadsheet works! But ICD10 might not be in the Spreadsheet.

Malheur mon ami(e), but some days ago there was a thread discussion going on, on how to make use of translations for the ICD CPT etc codes.

Brady, please correct me if I am wrong.

fsgl wrote on Sunday, December 14, 2014:

Dengan senang hati.

If the data set is available in Bahasa Indonesia, the regional office in Jakarta will know. Their contact information.

Happy translating.

davidbruchmann wrote on Monday, December 15, 2014:

@Pieter, yeah I know the standards are handled separated and not included in the worksheet. Wiki and discussion primary are about this worksheet and translating of standards seems being an orphan.

@Fsgl, I’ve my doubts that Jakarta knows about the translation but the link gives me the possibility to check it out :wink:

Still I need to include it in the right way, I thought about changing classes and database but then I still read a thread where Brady mentioned to configure it in the file custom/code_types.inc.php, I just need to know how.

bradymiller wrote on Monday, December 15, 2014:


Too many terms, so can’t use the google docs official translate for this. That spreadsheet is only for terms in the official codebase (but if you want access to the google docs spreadsheet to translate the official terms, then let me know). Note there is already almost 7000 terms to translate as it is. And no reason for OpenEMR to take on translating these ICD10 since it’s a separate project.

There would be several ways to go about getting what you want. It will depend on whether you just want the outputted description translated(less complicated) or if you want to be able to search diagnosis code descriptions via the chosen language(more complicated). Let me know and I can point you in a direction.


blankev wrote on Monday, December 15, 2014:

David, is there an option to go for ICD10 translation per facility?

Example: My computer starts in Nederlands language (Default). For me it is easy to import the Dutch translations of ICD9 ICD10 ICPC-1 ICPC-2 with the software that is available in my country. Like installing the American version of ICD10 I use the Dutch version. But the culprit is: IT DOES NOT CHANGE LANGUAGE if I start my OpenEMR in English, I still get the Dutch version of ICD10.

davidbruchmann wrote on Monday, December 15, 2014:

Hi Brady,
thanks for your view on my questions.

In general I think it would be nice to have both ways described, but I prefer the complicated one including search-options or in other words full functionality.

Best Regards,

davidbruchmann wrote on Monday, December 15, 2014:

Hi Pieter,

your way is the simplest one and sure cheap too, but it’s not in my purpose to do it like that by just replacing the database.
I hope Brady can show us the way how to do it right.

Best Regards,

fsgl wrote on Monday, December 15, 2014:

ICD-10 is available in 43 languages, but not the one in question.

Seems that there more people in Indonesia than in Uzbekistan & hence a greater need in the former. Things don’t always have to make sense.

davidbruchmann wrote on Monday, December 15, 2014:


yeah thanks for looking up, I found that page already too.
Nevertheless I found an Excel document with many translations where ~75% of the expressions is translated.
Funny thing is that in some documents the list is already filtered (by government rules?) but as government of Indonesia never seems being concerned I can use the full stack.

Best Regards,

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, December 16, 2014:


For 4.1.3-dev (4.1.2 will be different and more complicated).

  1. Create a icd10_indonesia sql table and with columns for dx_code, short_desc and long_desc

  2. Build the icd10_indonesia table with your data (and if no Indonesia translation, then place the English text)

  3. At the following place(see github link) place a if statement, that uses your customized icd10_indonesia table if user using the language “Bahasa Indonesia”:
    openemr/code_types.inc.php at master · openemr/openemr · GitHub
    (to check for current language by user can use: if (getLanguageTitle($_SESSION[‘language_choice’]) == “Bahasa Indonesia”) )

hope this helps get you started,

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, December 16, 2014:

I am assuming you are only talking about the ICD10 diagnosis codes. If want to also do procedure codes, then need to place these in another sql table.

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, December 16, 2014:

Great that you found the Excel document that’s 75% translated.

Another way to import this document:

  1. OpenEMR in Bahasa Indonesia.
  2. Follow the directions for HCPCS via .csv.
  3. Only the code_text, code and code_type columns in the codes table need to be populated. Code Type is 102.

This method can be used for other codes types as well.

Despite the fact that ICD-9 & ICD-10 codes have their own tables, co- mingling of ICD & CPT in the same codes table has produced no practical problem in our practice.

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, December 16, 2014:

When it is time to share the translated ICD-10 codes, export them as illustrated in the attachment.

You can specify which rows to export thereby rendering a single .sql file for ICD-10 only or whatever set of code desired.

It would be most helpful to have the same code types contiguous to facilitate easy export. Don’t want codes of same type scattered all over the codes table.

Colleagues can then import the .sql file by following the third step described here.

davidbruchmann wrote on Wednesday, December 17, 2014:

Hi Brady,

having been busy with something else I reply a bit late.
Thanks for the description.

I will try it like that but for future I still have another proposition:
All fields in the IDC-10-table get a language field where the ISO-Code for the language is be noted.
Then I can “throw” all translations in one table and not translated records are just not entered. By SQL I can fetch then a translation or the English record if not translated.
Could be done by PHP too but might not be required.

Nevertheless I’ll follow your hints first and will see then if it’s practicable.

Best Regards,