Guide minimum openemr phpgacl xp install

anojgoel wrote on Friday, February 06, 2009:

download xampp, unpack and copy to root of c drive C:\xampp

doubleclick run setup_xampp batch file in the folder c:\xampp
select refresh install if option given in terminal

doubleclick xampp-control in the folder c:\xampp
start apache and than mysql

open browser and go to http://localhost
it should go to http://localhost/xampp/ by itself
select phpmyadmin under tools http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
leave this window open since we will need it later on

download OpenEMR 2.9.1dev
unzip and rename the folder to openemr
copy to C:\xampp\htdocs

open browser and go to http://localhost/openemr/
this will start the setup
on step2
fill in a password for the server and leave the rootpass blank- click continue
step3 should be all OK
ignore the comment----Please make sure ‘library/sqlconf.php’ is world-writeable for the next step.
step 4
The initial OpenEMR user is “admin” and the password is “pass”. You should change this password!
Click here to start using OpenEMR.  when clicked it will generate 2 errors
Warning: include_once(/var/www/openemr/library/classes/Filtreatment_class.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\interface\login\login_frame.php on line 4
Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/var/www/openemr/library/classes/Filtreatment_class.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.;C:\xampp\php\pear’) in C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\interface\login\login_frame.php on line 4

time to go back and make some modification
A good HTML editor ( should work.
Find and edit the following file: C:\xampp\apache\bin\php.ini and locate in Data Handling section,
near line 370 - change line without ";" precursor to read "register_globals = Off" (put at end of line above it "////VALUE was On////").
near line 387 - change line without ";" precursor to read "magic_quotes_gpc = Off" (put at end of line above it "////VALUE was On////") Save then Exit Editor.

browse to directory C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\interface\main\calendar\modules\postcalendar\pntemplates\ -
create two new folders called cache and compiled

Edit C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\interface\globals.php
find $webserver_root = "/var/www/openemr"; near line 42 and change to explicit location using FORWARD slashes as shown - eg "C:/xampp/htdocs/openemr"; etc. But leave the $web_root = "/openemr"; as-is, unless you will use an internet server,

open browser and go to http://localhost/openemr/
it should bring the login prompt
login as admin
default password pass

and you have a working openemr install

let us now add phpgacl
download from
extract and rename the folder to phpgacl
copy to C:\xampp\htdocs
openbrowser and go to http://localhost/phpgacl/setup.php
you should get an error
phpGACL Database Setup
driver = mysql,
host = localhost,
user = root,
database = gacl,
table prefix =
Testing database connection…
Failed! ERROR connecting to database,
are you sure you specified the proper host, user name, password, and database in admin/
Did you create the database, and give read/write permissions to "root" already?

lets fix this
open browser and go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
create database gacl

open browser and go to http://localhost/phpgacl/setup.php again
this should have no errors now and a reminder to create directory
phpGACL Database Setup
driver = mysql,
host = localhost,
user = root,
database = gacl,
table prefix =
Testing database connection…
Success! Connected to "mysql" database on "localhost".
Testing database type…
Success! Compatible database type "mysql" detected!
Making sure database "gacl" exists…
Success! Good, database "gacl" already exists!
Success! Installation Successful!!!
Please make sure you create the <phpGACL root>/admin/templates_c directory, and give it write permissions for the user your web server runs as.

lets take care of this too
browse the directory C:\xampp\htdocs\phpgacl\admin
create folder templates_c
open browser and go to http://localhost/phpgacl/setup.php
click lets get started at the bottom of the page
submit the installation report
read the following warning
Warning: mail() [function.mail]: "sendmail_from" not set in php.ini or custom "From:" header missing in C:\xampp\htdocs\phpgacl\admin\about.php on line 55
Thanks for contributing to phpGACL.
Click here to proceed to the Administration Interface.
clicking on here should go to http://localhost/phpgacl/admin/
and phpgacl is setup

now have phpgacl talk to openemr
open browser and go to http://localhost/openemr/acl_setup.php
gives an error–
You must first set up library/ to use phpGACL!

edit the file located at C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\library
change // $phpgacl_location = "/var/www/gacl"; to $phpgacl_location = "c:/xampp/htdocs/phpgacl";
open browser and go to http://localhost/openemr/acl_setup.php
no errors this time
OpenEMR ACL Setup
All done!

open browser and go to http://localhost/phpgacl/admin/ and you should have the entries filled in and ready to be used.

lets us test the system
first add user to phpgacl and than add the same user to openemr
go to http://localhost/phpgacl/admin/
select users under section
next select edit in the Access request object
another tab will open
add newuser value 10 and name of the user
go back to acladmin tab
select users under section and the newuser under access request object window and click the right arrow
now select the type of role from the section in the upper window and the rights in the access control object (use control + click to select multiple items from the list) and click right arrow
submit and the user is ready on the gacl side

go to http://localhost/openemr
login as admin
add the newuser in the admin tab. assign password if indicated
now newuser can get into openemr with assigned rights.