GSoC 2020 proposal review and feedback

Thank you @brady.miller @stephenwaite for the valuable feedback. I have updated the timeline of the proposal. Please have a review and let me know if any other changes are required.
Thank you.


Hi @brady.miller, @tywrenn, @sjpadgett, @robert.down, @stephenwaite,, @ken, @arnabnaha ,
Previously I submitted my proposal on the “Hybrid app with image processing”.
Along with that project I also took the liking to “Support OMR” and ”Modernize Styling and User Interface for OpenEMR” so can you please review my proposal.
Hybrid App
Support OMR

P.S. I also took the liberty of submitting all three proposal draft on gsoc dashboard

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Hello @im-Amitto Looks like, your modernizing Styling link, points to Support OMR

Oops! My bad :slight_smile: