GSoC 2020 - FHIR Integration | Final Work Product

Project : Integrating FHIR Standard API
Project Wiki :
Primary Mentor :- @brady.miller
Other Mentors :- @dixonwhitmire, @ken, @rhausam, @sjpadgett

Source Code Repository

Hii, Everyone
So GSoC is about to finish. It was a very successful journey with OpenEMR during GSoC time period. I’m very happy that I have selected OpenEMR as my GSoC organization. First I should thank my mentors for providing me the guidance to successfully complete the GSoC project. Finally all of the community members of OpenEMR. So this is my last update from the GSoC @ OpenEMR. I’m going to summarize my GSoC work with this post.


The major goal of the project was to integrate FHIR Standard API’s that will help in exchanging healthcare information electronically. My goal with this project was to complete the existing implementation and Implement new resources to help OpenEMR get Meaningful Use Certification.
Initially it was hard to refactor everything and proccess all the data in a uniform way but big thanks to @dixonwhitmire for helping me get a structured plan which I followed all the way along.


  • Uniform processing and Refactoring of FHIR requests [Completed]
  • Support OpenEMR Web App for FHIR Resource [Completed]
  • Introduce UUID to every resource [Completed]
  • Introduce New API Endpoints to Support FHIR Resources [Completed]
  • Improve Automated Test Coverage [In-Progress]

GSoC 2020 Contributions

  1. Encounter Resource

  2. Practitioner Resource -

  3. Organization Resource -

  4. PractitionerRole Resource

  5. Immunization Resource -

  6. AllergyIntolerence Resource -

  7. Condition Resource -

  8. Procedure Resource -

  9. Medication Resource -

  10. MedicationRequest Resource -

  11. Location Resource -

  12. Observation Resource -

  13. CareTeam Resource -


Pending Work

  • Most of the targeted resources are achieved as planned in the GSoC. Improving the test coverage and adding more opreations are the area that can further enhance.


GSoC 2020 is my first contribution to an open source software. I gain massive experience and it is really an amazing. I got to know about how open source community build a open source project and the open source culture. In these past few months I have improved myself in programming skills, communication skills ans several other skills. I would like to thank my mentor Brady Miller and all the mentors for their guidance and support. I would like to thank OpenEMR community for accepting me and helping me. Finally for Google for organizing the GSoC.


Nice work! Thanks for your contributions!