Dr H does procedures that Demi have to bill the same CPT code multiple times ~ 64636, 64636, 64636 ~ but the system has decided to make it go to the insurance companies as once billed and change the units ~ 64636 X 3 ~ In order for Dr H to get paid by the insurance companies the system cannot take it upon itself to change what Demi create to bill out!
After checking the pages that you have posted above, I have come to the conclusion that the locations you showed are where changes would have to be made not the changes that are needed. Right?
From another biller to concure with what you are saying
“she has a legitimate issue. Some insurance companies will not process claim for payment if charges aren’t listed on 3 separate lines AND some require it to be on 1 line x3 units. Biller must have the option to choose which way to bill it as per insurance co protocol.”
This is a deep issue and I have to “learn” this section of the program to be able to begin to address it.
Has anyone in the development community addressed this issue yet?
This problem had been discussed previously, but at that point no developer participated in the thread; therefore I’m under the assumption there has been no remedy in the codebase.
I get the sense that Line 68 from 2.png & Lines 970-971 from 3.png add up the procedure counts of identical CPT’s to give just one line in Box 24 with a multiple of Units in Box 24G.
Your task is to provide a mechanism to have both the tally & the option not to have it.
I did not test if deletion of Lines 970-971 would eliminate the tally in the 837P, but it would be a starting point.
But see what we are over looking is that the program will already accept a tally entry so if the biller enters CODE x3. The form will have CODE x3 print out.
The only thing commenting out that consolidation part of the code did was stop it from combining single line entres. Nothing else changes so from my point of view the manual entry decided by the biller’s knowledge of which times, which claims and which insurers.
since the code works for the construct. There is no additional coding needed. I have tested the system and if the billing person puts 3 in the units the system will show that code for a unit of 3. If the inusurer don’t like it that way then the biller simply enters a line for each code being billed and the system cranks it out that way. All is satisfied. My mom told me to KISS.
And my programming mentor told me to always do the simplest thing that works.
This works.